I would not put too much in Yield wolf - too new. I just noticed that it tracks all tomb forks and had an interesting auto-compounding feature. I put in a little bit to see how it would work, but have since taken my money out as the APY has been cut almost in half since I wrote about it.
Grape seems to be doing well with Vineyard and Nodes. Grape's winery is kind of on 'pause' right now because it only gives rewards when grape's peg is above 1.01, and right now it is under 1.0. With grape under 1.0, could be an opportunity to buy it at a discount if one believes that the platform is not a scam.
drip i think has a lot of catalysts about to let loose. no gaurantee that they will have positive effect on price, but i think with their heavy marketing plan, my 'feeling' is that both drip and Animal farm are going to do well, but just my opinion, not trade advice. i think i saw drip down in the mid-$6 range lately. I am not too happy with its steady decline, however, could be a buying opportunity.
i would say that all crypto has risk of loss. never put all of your eggs in one basket, especially crypto. in my opinion, the mentality has to be take $100 out of your wallet and throw it right in the garbage. if one cannot be comfortable doing that, then the percentage of their portfolio allocated to crypto needs to be very small because the risks are very high. the risks are scam, rug pull, hack, exploit, but most commonly, just drastic changes in a token's value, like drip and the animal farm tokens.
i can't really tell you what to do because of the risk. you'll have to decide that for yourself. but if you're asking what I believe in personally, it would be grape first as a stablecoin, then drip, then pigs.
what about you, any other projects besides these that have worked out for yout?