Agreed. I was skeptical on drip, but even with the price of drip being down, it will still payout more than I deposited in the long run. And with its upcoming partnerships, I’m eager to see how it affects the ecosystem.
Yes, also agree on loss of value currently on AF. For me, I’m still hopeful. The entire crypto market is down too. Anyone invested in crypto will probably lose value. This is the risk - no insurance against loss in exchange for the chance for higher returns. But again, in the long run, at the end of my piggy bank terms, it will still payout more than the deposit due to compounding. The only thing that might prevent that is if these projects are rugs. It doesn’t feel that way to me.
I have read about Splassive, Elephant Money, COTPS and was very close to participating … glad I didn’t.
I have no problem with people selling. I have exited other projects that didn’t work out, or have taken profits. Last month, I removed about $20k from DRIP because I thought I needed the funds for taxes. Turns out I didn’t, so I just left it in my bank account. So, nothing personal, this is just like a diary for me that I don’t mind other people reading.
Hey, sorry for your monetary losses. I’m with you there. But for me, I’m not sure what other venue could bring the same long-term returns or has these types of innovations in the DeFi space. Even PCS has high APR farms but huge IL risk, so those are not for me. I did see a 4-coin stablecoin vault on with an interest rate of 40%, so I’ll be looking at that .. seems interesting considering UST is a no-go as well. How about you? If you end up exiting the AF ecosystem, any other projects that look interesting to you?
Thanks again for taking the time to comment. I appreciate different perspectives. And thanks again for reading!!