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Earn Insane Yield on USDC stablecoin with Magik Farm’s Auto-Compounding Vault!
Probably the most common form of loss in crypto is token value loss. Yes, exploits, rug pulls, and hacks result in billions of dollars lost. But, on a daily basis, non-exploited funds can continue to reduce in value, partly from demand fluctuations, and partly from the nature of blockchain emissions.
So, lately, I have been a big proponent of stablecoin yield to stabilize and preserve gains. At first, I was in Anchor Protocol’s UST for 20% APY. Well, we all know how that ended up. Then, I was in Nexo and Finblox for 15% APR. But, with the recent market volatility and VC insolvencies, those rates are hovering around 1% to 5% currently … and some of them NONE percent! Ouch!
Well, fortunately, I am an experienced yield farmer, so there are other ways to generate yield on stablecoin. So, in this article, I will just discuss another new platform, Magik Farms, where we can use a vault with stablecoin LP to generate rewards with a high Annual Percentage Yield. Magik Farm is multi-chain compatible and features auto-compounding vaults.
Author’s Disclaimer: This is not trade or financial advice. This information is being presented for entertainment purposes and represents the OPINION of the author. All trading and investing, whether real estate…